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time for a foot snack!

Kathia Nobili and Lana meet in a kitchen to have some fun with their feet. Kathia is sitting around in her flip-flops enjoying some yogurt when Lana shows up in her short-shorts and canvas shoes. Soon Kathia is dripping yogurt on Lanas bare thigh, which creates a big mess but leads to some tasty leg worship. After Kathia takes off Lanas shoes, Lana demonstrates how nimble she is by picking up the spoon with her toes and feeding Lana some yogurt. But its far more fun for Kathia to drip yogurt on Lanas feet and lick the mess off her red polished toes. We gotta hand it to Kathia--she really crams her friends feet in her mouth to get at every last drop of the pink goo. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in close to capture her tongue working its way between each sticky digit. Youll start to imagine that Lanas feet are covered by another sticky substance entirely!Lana shows how much she likes to lick up a mess from her own feet, while rubbing her toes over Kathias t

  • 00:21:34
  • Apr 16, 2012
  • 219


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