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mission to her moons!

Lindsey Olsen returns in this sizzling toy show where she takes a purple plastic shaft deep into her tasty tush. Lindsey relaxes on a bed in her little black dress and heels, sucking her vibrator to get it ready for its mission of arousal. At the same time, she shows us her butt crack, her anus barely covered by the string of her thong. Taking off her dress, she teases us in her lingerie for awhile, then moistens two red-polished fingers and thrusts them into her asshole. When her posterior portal looks expanded and more roomy, she slides the vibe inside, its extra side prongs enabling her to bang her cunny at the same time. Then she wets the toy with her mouth some more, before returning it to its rightful place in her rosebud. You’ll love the shots where Lindsay poses on her tummy, the toy sticking out of her cheeks like a tail...and then you’ll thrill to the wide gape, like a shadowy moon crater, which she displays when she takes the toy out!

  • 00:18:26
  • Apr 10, 2012
  • 200


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