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college girl in control!

We suppose Jessie Volt, in college girl mode, is either a professor’s horniest fantasy or his naughtiest nightmare. Showing up for a tutorial complete with her notebooks and T-square, she looks rebellious and distrustful, as if she wants to distract and befuddle the unseen professor just for kicks. So instead of getting down to work, she spreads her legs, shows her lingerie, teases with her stocking tops, and tugs aside her pink thong crotch to show her shaved pussy. She always looks as if she’s about to say: “Screw you, Professor! Don’t lecture me about my class work--I bet you just want to fuck this hot coed snatch!” Pouting with her unforgiving mouth and staring right into our eyes with her sullen glare, she tempts the professor (that’s US, the viewers!) with her incredibly hot body, sticking her butt in the air and revealing an asshole that gapes open all its own. Who did she fuck last night? He must have been massive!! Could you handle a student like Miss Volt in your class, PROFESSOR? Be careful--because she’s a very tough grader when it comes to lecherous instructors!

  • 00:25:50
  • Apr 04, 2012
  • 257


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