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smash of the titans!

You’ve heard of the movies Clash of the Titans and the new Wrath of the Titans, about the heroes, gods, and monsters of Greek mythology, right? Well, get ready for “Smash of the Titans” here on our site as two of our top Busty Legends, Shione Cooper and Laura M., meet in a kitchen and smash eggs and flour against their tits and then smash their massive combined boobage together in a lesbian clinch. It looks like Shione is going to be baking a cake, dropping eggs and flour into a bowl, but then Laura shows up and soon they’re kissing and fondling their floppers. Shione’s 36DDs pop out from behind her cute apron, and Laura’s 40Fs are quickly unearthed from her bra by Shione. Laura slurps on Shione’s suckers for a few moments, then Miss Cooper gets playful and cracks an egg over Laura’s mams. Flour follows, and then Shione blends it all together with a roller until Laura’s rack is all white and yellow and powdery. Laura keeps taking licks at Shione’s sacks whenever she can.A big rolling pin really blends the batter together on Laura’s lungs, then Laura stands up and mashes her glands against Shione’s, rubbing some of that baking mixture on the titties of the raven-tressed Czech hottie. Then Shione dumps some of the batter from the bowl onto Laura’s sensuous shelf, and the horny Hungarian returns the favor when Shione sits on the table with her thighs spread. Laura rubs a gooey spoon on the Cooper clam, then she licks up the mixture with her tongue. Shione laps at Laura’s labia and sucks her nipples while Miss M. bangs Shione’s slit with the handle of the roller. Shione returns as good as she receives when Laura gets on her knees on the table so she can take the handle of the rolling pin into her pussy. Shione even holds one end of the rolling pin in her mouth like a face-dildo, so she can shove it back and forth doggie-style in Laura’s snatch. Then Shione rubs the rolling pin up and down over Laura’s knockers before they finally decide this is no way to bake a cake, but a damn nice way to spend an afternoon with each other!

  • 00:25:38
  • Apr 03, 2012
  • 944


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