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delicate but fierce!

Nicoline returns in the part 2 of her triumphant debut from back in early March. This time the Asian beauty from the Russian Federation is nude and ready, and has her hands, mouth, pussy, and ass to fill with an impressive purple dual-pronged vibrator. Just imagine coming into the bedroom to find this 34AA-25-35 doll waiting on the sheets, eager to show you her skills with a toy that would make many a bigger woman quake at its size and power! Not so this deceptively delicate-looking young lady, whose fierceness reveals itself as she prepares the double-phallus for both her crotch portals, lubricating the shafts with her lips and then leaning back to slide them into her buttery depths. Oh to be laying next to Nicoline on the bed, sucking those sweet titties and hearing her moan with ever-growing ecstasy as the toy propels her to climax! See her in all her pink excitement in high resolution pix and full HD video, and enjoy your own fantasies of Nicoline.

  • 00:15:34
  • Apr 03, 2012
  • 252


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