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another long-legged miracle!

We have another long-legged Russian hottie for you when Lindsey Olsen does a sizzling solo, starting out in a chic red velvet dress and posing her pins in high heels as she lounges on a couch. She stands up to reveal a great butt in sheer black panties, and cute 34A titties in a matching bra. Caressing herself, she lets us come in close to look at her smooth pink cunny which she spreads with her elegantly manicured digits. Taking down her panties, she crouches over in the doggie position and masturbates herself with her butt stuck right in our happy faces. Squatting on the floor and leaning back against the couch, she fingers herself and squeezes her boobies, then relaxes afterward by stretching out those beautiful legs across the cushions. You’ll feel ready to jump into the pictures and lick her from the tips of her shoes right up to her big smile and gorgeous blue eyes!

  • 00:13:20
  • Mar 23, 2012
  • 228


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