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So we re on the bus up to no good as usual. Trying to score some hot looking street pussy! Jmac, The driver, and I had been at it for hours and we needed a pick me up. Jmac suggested some Cuban coffee aka liquid crack around these parts! We headed north to some shit whole that the driver knows and there she was. I new instantly she was the right candidate when she asked Jmac for directions. Jmac is well trained and he directed her to me. She approached me and after about three minutes of conversation this girl volunteered that she was penny less, lost, and didn t even speak Spanish. She was having a shitty day and it was about to get worse for her. I told her the old real life, real Americans story because it works every time. This girl was real cute. Caramel skin and a big bubble but. She had nice tits too. I started with the personal questions ten minutes into the conversation. When How many sexual partners have you had? was asked she was instantly quiet. I knew this girl was a slut and could be bought! So I asked her if she d fuck Jmac for five hundred. Her eye s lit up. She pretended to think about it and then said hell yes. It was on! We got her naked and she her body was tight! She had a smooth nice pussy! Jmac did a great job pounding her cunt from all angles! He came all over her face and then we ditched her in the worst part of Miami! She ran after the car for dear life! She almost caught up to us a few times. -The Sanchez

  • 00:00:00
  • May 09, 2006
  • 203


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