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model montage compilation one

This is the first collection of episodes focused primarily on the sensual pleasures of me, Sissy Slut, and my Lady Teacher. Naturally, this is only a small part of what we could publish due to one video time limitation. You can get any episode from this collection in a full-length version. The last two short episodes of this video feature me, Sissy Slut, in a private WEB Cam Show. I really can have so much fun when my Lady Teacher is not at home. These episodes have not yet been published in full anywhere, but soon they will be exhibited for fans only. However, you can always ask me, Sissy Slut, to perform just for you or order a recording of this show. By the way, Lady Teacher is not against it. She only asks not to cum during the show very often in order to leave more sperm for her. So, choose your own theme and post what you want to see. And just a reminder of our point of view that a healthy relationship allows you to be both the submissive and the dominant partner. Everyone needs

  • 01:59:58
  • Sep 06, 2023
  • 62


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