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seek shelter in my cleavage cove!

Joanna Bliss, that mega-mammed Romanian, is back and giving us more of her 36H-27-39 thrill body! This is her 21st appearance on our site and it’s one of the best yet. As the photos and HD video begin, we find Miss Bliss sitting on the edge of a tub in her black bra, matching panties, garter belt, stockings and heels. She poses for awhile in her lingerie, so we can imagine the warmth of her milk puppies in those lacy cups. And if you’ve ever lusted for other parts of Joanna’s loveliness, this is a good opportunity to feast your eyes on her legs and butt, too.Finally taking off her bra, she then slowly strips her stockings and garters as well, playing with the nylons before driving us crazy with her tits. We get some great low-angle shots as she wraps one of the nylons under and around her melons and juts them toward our faces. Then she squeezes her nipples together before getting into the bubbly water for her bath.It’s great seeing boobiferous Joanna getting her gazongas gleaming with water. She washes her knockers and lifts them up to display their heavy magnificence. Then she leans over with her bells half in and out of the water, making for some very arousing images indeed as the cleavage between her hanging jugs forms an alluring little cove in the ocean of her bathtub.As the set winds down, Joanna rubs her tits with the bubbles, then squeezes her squachies together so we can fantasize exactly at what point on her luscious lawn of breastworks we’d like to squirt our loads!

  • 00:17:34
  • May 05, 2011
  • 239


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