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farm girl s fantasy

Sweet Cat goes to the barn on her family’s farm because she knows one of the workmen, Choky Ice, is there repairing a wagon wheel. She has been fantasizing getting her mouth on his cock ever since she first saw him walking around the nearby village, chatting up local beauties. Well, Cat is no slouch in the beauty department herself, especially when she walks around barefoot in a simple white peasant dress that keeps sliding off her shoulders, so they quickly go from sharing a few items in her picnic basket to enjoying the pleasures of their bodies while sitting on a bale of hay. Still wearing his rakish hat and wooden shoes, the rustic Romeo clamps his mouth on Cat’s shaved cunny before talking out his stalk for some blowjob action, then turning Cat around and bopping her box. Things get even nicer when this homegrown blonde takes off her clothes and lets us see her naked body, which she plants on Choky’s rod, riding him cowgirl and doggie style until he unloads his cream all over her mouth in this hardcore XXX video.

  • 00:19:54
  • Nov 25, 2013
  • 220


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