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dona s delicious duo!

There’s a certain kind of pose that always gets me turned on, and I haven’t figured out why. Maybe there’s no reason other than the fact that it just looks good to me! Case in point is this picture of our model Dona. I love when models place their hands over their tits like this, emphasizing their breasts’ roundness and femininity. Add to this the fact that Dona is nude in this picture and showing a lovely, curvaceous figure, and I have a surefire recipe for my mid-afternoon load!Dona starts off dressed in the pictorial and video, wearing a very pretty blue flower-print halter-style blouse and blue denim short-shorts. She’s got nice gams perched on matching flower print blue high-heeled pumps. This is the type of girl who would make any man drool if she was walking down the street! She takes off her top to unleash a fine pair of 38Ds, and then she poses on a couch in her light turquoise panties while showing off her firm titties and spreading her pink pussy. When she stands up again, she peels down her scanties to reveal a very round bottom that looks so silky to the touch as she gently tugs the cheeks apart with her French-manicured fingers. Dona is truly one scrumptious lady!As the set winds up, we get some good views of her looking down at us with her big tits hovering over our faces, and then she stretches out on the couch again before cuddling with an Easter bunny that shows up a little late for the holiday--but seeing as how he gets to nestle between Dona’s tits, who could blame him?? Better late than never when it comes to Dona’s delicious duo!!

  • 00:21:08
  • Apr 24, 2011
  • 236


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