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elena koshka - my innocent step-sister part 3

PART THREE - I m hanging out about to play video games when Elena Koshka comes upstairs to find me. She s wearing these short shorts and makes it a point to mention that stepmom and stepdad aren t home. She asks me in a cute, shy voice if I want her to jerk me off. I didn t think she wanted anything to do with me like that anymore. She gets up and starts taking her clothes off slowly, showing off her body to me, asking me if I remember her tits. I don t want to seem to eager, but I can t help myself around her. She gets down on her knees right in front of me and asks if she can put my cock in her mouth! I tell her it would be my first time. As soon as her wet lips touch my dick, it feels so good. She sucks my dick for a little and then climbs on top of me and slides my dick right into her pussy! I was so excited, I guess I fucked her really hard because she asks to finish me with her mouth, which she then does and I explode to the point where my cum oozes out of the sides of her lips!

  • 00:20:39
  • Sep 02, 2023
  • 285


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