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drool over this stunning newcomer!

What a difference a single letter can well as the substitution of a pussy and tits! Drop the “n” from the name Julian...and substitute an incredible pair of firm boobs, a seductive dark-eyed face, and a curvaceous female body...and instead of pictures of the famous Australian Internet crusader Julian Assange, you have “Julia Assange, our new babe!Her t-shirt dress in the opening of her shoot might read “Who’s That?” now, but you won’t be asking this question for long once you get a look at her slow peel down to black-and-hot-pink bra and panties. With long shapely legs and a firm round butt, not to mention cleavage to dive into, our Julia Assange will become a jewel in your personal box of fantasies! And just wait until you get to study her juicy knockers, which come complete with tantalizing tan lines!!

  • 00:12:08
  • Jan 19, 2011
  • 135


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