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you ll jack to this jill [part 2]

Lexi Lowe, the mahogany-tressed newcomer from the United Kingdom who first posed here two weeks ago, returns in part 2 of her debut appearance. She’s even naughtier than ever, sucking on a pink vibrator and looking at us with a devilish smile as if she’s thinking, “I know you’re taking out your cock, bad boy! Make it squirt for me!” And who could resist pumping happy cream when Miss Lexi shows off her pink pussy and inviting rosebud? Miss Lowe lays on her stomach to show off her shapely behind, then plays with herself while standing over us. At 5’9” Lexi is a strapping young amazon with long legs that she could wrap around three horny men at once!

  • 00:09:10
  • Apr 05, 2011
  • 217


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