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spurt for sheila!

Speaking of super-bras, check out when Sheila peels off her flowery little dress and shows us her red-and-pink lacy gazonga goblets! She’s got quite a nice pair of paps in that uplifting garment, which she proceeds to unveil in enormous closeups. Sheila licks on her tits and pulls on them firmly, then leans over a couch so we get views of her boobs hanging low and free. As if inspired by the painting of Marilyn Monroe on the wall behind her, Sheila gives us lots of teasing glances that would be worthy of the movie queen herself. But Marilyn never gave her fans a show like Sheila’s!Peeling off her panties in some shots that beautifully display her curvaceous shape, Sheila then gets out a vibrator to satisfy the longings in her loins, only natural when a girl spends her day showing off her nakedness in front of a lens! She plunges that proxy pecker deep in her pink portal while squeezing her boobs together for our eyeball approval. In the wildest shots of the set, she gets upside down, leaning her legs on the couch and her head against the floor, as the toy buzzes in her snatch and she plays with those big tits while we imagine standing over her and squirting, squirting, SQUIRTING!!

  • 00:18:16
  • Feb 24, 2011
  • 287


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