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bodacious bedroom striptease!

reen-eyed Joanna Bliss is a Romanian hottie who has more than lived up to her fans‘ expectations with one sizzling appearance after another here at For her eighteenth show, she tempts us with her 36Hs in a bedroom striptease. We get some great cleavage shots as Joanna peels off her black top and pants to reveal her boulders in their black lacy holder. The naughty minx isn’t wearing any panties, and promptly shows off her plump pussy slit before wiggling her big booty at us. But Joanna knows we’re here first and foremost to ogle her torso torpedos, and finally strips away her bra and pushes her jugs toward our faces. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture every crinkle of her nipples and every wobble of her glands.Joanna lays on her back, licks her nipples, parts her lady lips, and then offers her teat to us for a suck. If only we could jump into the picture with her! She crouches over and lets her hangers sway in the air. A special treat is when she stands and gives us back views of her tits scrunched up against her arms. She puts her hands between her mounds and pushes them apart, then gets on the bed and smiles and looks deep into our eyes, almost commanding us with a playful grin to reach for our cocks and show our appreciation!

  • 00:15:35
  • Jan 16, 2011
  • 326


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