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you ll do as lulu says!

For one of your challenges as a voyeur slave, you will witness a Best of HLF classic! Raven-tressed Lulu demonstrates how she treats footman Titus Steel. Imagine yourself kneeling nude in front of the bed, watching the action...your cock is stiff, and from the moment you see Lulu you wish YOU could kiss her fishnet-clad feet, and lick those dangerous spiked heels, as Titus does.You watch Lulu rub Titus naked pecker with her want to sniff her shoes as Titus does...but Lulu only wants you to watch and jack off! While she sucks her right toes, she slips Titus s cock under the fishnet sock on her left foot, keeping his meat against her sole...oh she is so nasty, this Mistress Lulu! Because of course a girl this powerful must be called Mistress.He warms her feet with hot candle wax, which she then has him lick! Oh, that doesn t look too tasty, but what Mistress Lulu says, goes! Now she s masturbating his dick from behind and smiling at you and telling to notice how hard she can make a man s meat with her feet! And indeed...he is huge between her skillful soles...Now she is finishing him off! She wants you to watch carefully, so you lean over, your own meat jutting out as you watch her agile toes tug on Titus s tool until--oh gosh, that is the biggest load you ve ever seen any model pull out of a stud on! And then Mistress Lulu dismisses Titus and tells you to come study and appreciate the cummy mess all over her feet...because she s going to use those feet on you next!! They re coming closer...closer! Oh gosh are you ready for that?? Because your cock sure is!!!

  • 00:17:48
  • Dec 16, 2010
  • 165


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