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squirt for our pantyhose pervy!

Today witness an entirely different kind of scene. Summer and Victoria Tiffany are going to tease your pervie nuts as they give you a pantyhose show! All right now, you re naked and kneeling and pulling your cock as you observe.These girls are so pretty! Look at all the pantyhose they have to play with! Green and gray and purple and pink and pea-colored...they smile, encouraging you to masturbate while they get themselves hot. Summer looks at you while she sucks Victoria s purple-sheathed toes...Victoria shows how she s double-jointed and can lick her own sole (let s make her Model of the Day for that)...Summer lets Victoria dress her in pink pantyhose, and then the girls pose and grin while your cock gets stiffer re so close to shooting...The babes know how sexy pantyhose can be...and they play with panties too! They hardly even notice you now, they re so into each other, so just keep staring and they re cutting holes in their hosiery with a scissors so they have easy access to their sweet toes and slits...oh Summer has such pretty purple toenail polish...she looks so much like the "girl-next-door" but she s stuffing Victoria s ass with pantyhose! How nasty! Oh gosh these girls are driving you crazy...they ll do anything to each other...and now you re cumming right in front of them all over your busy hand!!

  • 00:29:02
  • Dec 12, 2010
  • 363


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