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my dick is hard and its annas fault

People think it’s easy being a freelance writer. But not when all the blood moves from your brain down into your dick! I had to take out my special “keyboard cuffs” and lock my hands onto the computer so they wouldn’t stray down to the throbbing gristle in my boxers which was set off by the sight of Anna’s shapely legs, cute smile, mouth wateringly firm titties, and general air of unblemished teenage innocence! Okay, so I’m a dirty old man...quite dirty, in fact! I wanted to slide my hand under her red plaid frilly panties...such panties drive me crazy...yes, I wanted to feel the enticing softness of her glorious college girl cunny!! Anna even sniffs her panties for us, and a few moments later her pale beige nipples harden and...oh what’s the use, I gotta unlock these cuffs and relieve the pressure!! Thank you Anna, and please pose again!

  • 00:18:07
  • Dec 08, 2010
  • 212


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