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sweet personality plus pussy power!

We enjoy a return engagement of Logan, a delightful Russian blonde who shows off a truly upbeat personality as she displays her lovely figure. Stripping out of a turquoise t-shirt and thong while lolling around outside on a sunny day, Logan quickly gives us full views of her slender but curvy form, and especially her pert and suckable 32Bs which she cups provocatively in her palms.She toys with her panties between her ankles, then she parts and penetrates her shaven pussy while kicking her legs out in the air. From the way she sucks on her finger at one point, it looks as if she’d like one or all of us to join her on the steps and spend some quality “tongue time” with her pretty pink box. Between her bright smile and agile body, Logan can brighten any man’s day!

  • 00:11:05
  • Jan 17, 2011
  • 197


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