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stroked to climax by her feet!

Artists have to be careful which models they bring back to their studios--because with certain pretty posers, no work ever gets done! Case in point, new face Angelina Wild who distracts painter Choky Ice from his masterpiece!Sitting around in her gray and orange toe socks, this blue-eyed vixen gets Choky to turn over his brush so she can stroke his cock to stiffness with it--before jacking him with her socked feet! Choky briefly has her kiss and lick her own cotton-covered toes, but Angelina s clearly more interested in slipping her peds into HIS mouth while tugging on his tool. Choky quickly succumbs to her potent blue-eyed charms, as Angelina footjobs him on the floor and couch. No pussy for Choky today, just those relentless toe-socked feet!! Not that he looks like he s complaining!!!! Angelina grins at the camera while she controls his cock, until she finally coaxes out a huge load from the helpless artist. His cream coats her shapely right calf, which she then sticks toward US with a naughty grin! Cunning Angelina never even takes off her socks entirely. I guess we ll have to wait until her next pictorial and HD video to see those hidden toes!!

  • 00:27:01
  • Jan 21, 2011
  • 122


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