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we want to lay emma mae!!!

Emma Mae is an adorable blonde with a bad girl side. Looking at her once is not enough to be able to tell her bad side. She s got the dopest tattoos and the perkiest tits. Her firm ass makes any man want to dive head first in to it for lunch. This of course is exactly what Preston does. It s not very often he 69s a girl, but how can you help your self with Emma?? Emma s slim and thin, but she s got a great body. Sh s 18 and she loves to fuck and does it well. This is her first film ( even if you ve seen her in other videos before this one this was still her first time filming! ) I enjoyed watching Emma Mae so much that I m sure everyone else will feel the same way. We ll be seeing more of Emma for sure! Enjoy!

  • 00:42:18
  • Aug 30, 2010
  • 399


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