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fast ride to ecstasy!

Start your week with new face Autumn as she primps in a mirror, showing off her sexy body in a pale blue top, white shorts, and white ankle socks. Autumn brushes her blonde hair, but soon the hairbrush goes between her tits as she pulls down her top so we can see those perky little puppies.Autumn smiles constantly as she flashes her pink thong, then rubs her shaven pussy. Her mischievous eyes stay on us as she fills her young, hungry cunny with a clear plastic vibrator. She digs deep to reach the hot spot that will toss her over the orgasm edge! A few shots later she tries a smaller pocket rocket type of toy, and the smile is dramatically wiped off her cute face as she presses the vibrator against her clit and zooms to Cumsville.

  • 00:14:54
  • Nov 28, 2010
  • 162


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