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a goddess rises from the water!

Flirty in a white lace swimming dress, Sexy Venera reveals her 34G-23-34 body in a shiny black bra that stunningly showcases her boobtastic bounty. We get a lot of pinup-style poses where Venera poses in her bikini on the edge of the pool, showing off not just her cleavage but her shapely legs too. Then she gets down to the main event, tantalizing our tools by gradually peeling out of her bra until those amazing hooters fall free in all their magnificence.If you like your tits to hang low and have huge pale pink nipples, you will glue your eyes to Sexy Venera.Sexy Venera is unusual too in that she is from Greece, not often a source of nude models in recent years. And her name “Venera” is the Italian form of “Venus,” the ancient Greek goddess of love (known in Greece as Aphrodite) who first rose out of the waves of the ocean. So it makes sense that we find Sexy Venera near water in her new pix and video, squeezing her melons together to tempt us into the drink with visions of a nipple-filled paradise as we pull her body close to ours and feast on her teats.But Sexy Venera does not just leave us with her glorious glands, but with her nudity too, baring her smooth shaven mound as she replays in total nakedness some of the same poses she went through in her bikini. And it all comes to a close with images that call to mind the birth of her namesake Venus, as our girl rises out of the turquoise water with a look in her eye that promises all the pleasures of a real goddess of love, playing with us mortals here on earth.

  • 00:13:59
  • Nov 04, 2010
  • 389


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