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lush legs, flowery pussy!

Wow, Silvie Delux has gams that go on forever! And theres something especially sexy when she stretches out on a couch as she does and shows off those bare legs in strappy red heels and plays with a purple vibrator. Silvies got one of the most flowery pussies around, and its exciting to see the plastic phallus sliding between her lips. But Silvie doesnt just settle for a toy show. She stands up and spreads her cheeks and gives us some great views of her pink asshole too, captured by Denys DeFrancesco and his ever-vigilant camera crews. She plays with her 34B titties and keeps running that toy in the plump groove between her legs, filling its pinkness until she explodes! Just around the same time you will!!

  • 00:17:09
  • Nov 02, 2010
  • 192


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