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5 finger showcase [part 2]

Wait until you see what Ann Marie La Sante is up to! Still waters run deep, as old phrase goes, and this cutie pie brunette really surprises us by showing off an unusual skill: cramming half her hand up her snatch!Still on the house painting location of her previous pictorial on 10/7/10, Ann Marie uses a brush to lube up her shaved pussy with some oil, and then proceeds to stuff herself to the brim with all five fingers! Tight closeups by Denys DeFrancesco and his photo crews bring us right up to the cavern-like darkness of her pussy when our girl takes out her fingers for a little break. Ann Marie fills herself on her back and in the doggie style mode, and often has a beaming smile! Maybe that’s because she discovered where she misplaced her car keys?

  • 00:08:40
  • Oct 21, 2010
  • 171


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