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the lady in the car!

Asian beauty Danika shows you her body next to, on top of, and inside a red Ferrari. You’ll really understand the erotic essence of why advertisers like to show off cars with women when you see Danika in all her lithe glory arranging her body in and out of her short white dress, her long legs soon parting to reveal a smooth shaven tight slit that she opens with her fingers for our enjoyment. We see her from every angle against that car, jutting out her butt, baring her firm high dark-nippled breasts, bending down on her backless high heels on the gravel, and squatting on her knees in the driver’s set. Danika definitely looks ready for speed, and her admirers will be supplying plenty of THAT as their fists work overtime tugging their boners to a creamy climax!

  • 00:21:27
  • Sep 22, 2010
  • 185


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