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toy meets girl! [part 2]

After her panty-sniffing debut last week, Lucy Bell returns to tackle the challenge of a big blue double-headed vibrator. This lithe-bodied sweetheart starts out naked except for her strappy high heels, and she lays down on the couch and gently stuffs her core with the toy. . We get huge closeups as the toy becomes more and more juicy from Lucy’s inner arousal. Like a young woman experimenting with a new lover, she shifts her body all over the couch, enjoying her companion from many possible positions--which means lots of viewing pleasure for us! If you want to see some of the other shenanigans newbie Lucy has experienced, check out her appearances these last two weeks on our sister site, where she is tied to a table by a dominatrix and has her bare feet flogged!

  • 00:16:22
  • Sep 16, 2010
  • 155


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