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every possible angle [part 1]

Enjoy renewing their acquaintance with Rye, who’s appeared in one previous set, a girl-girl with Jasmine Black. Here we see Rye on her own, her green eyes set off by a very tight green blouse that shows you she’s packin’ 36D worth of top-heavy talent. We get a good variety of pleasing angles from Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews, everything from straight-on shots of Rye sitting like your girlfriend on the edge of a couch, fully dressed as if you’re about to take her out on a date; to closer shots and low angles as she unearths her glorious glands and hovers them above our eyes.Rye lifts her blue skirt and we get to see her black lacy panties. But she keeps us on her tits as she constantly holds them up, using her forearm as a shelf. Soon she poses for us only in her black corset. What a tight-looking little veegee she has! But she keeps bringing us back to her boobies, working up a sheen of sweat on her rack as she presses her num-nums against the hardwood floor in awesome closeups. But Rye still isn’t finished. I’d bet she won’t be satisfied until she knows in her heart that we have spurted at least three loads to her pictures--and later, her movie! She takes off her corset to show her soft kissable belly, then she lays on her back on the floor and presses her tits together so we can imagine standing over her and jacking our loads until they fall downward on her tasty terrain like parachutes of lust! Wow!

  • 00:27:13
  • Sep 02, 2010
  • 178


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