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like a posing virgin!

If it’s sweetness you like in one wholesome long-legged package, take a peek at Eufrat! It’s amazing how a veteran of eighteen previous appearances on our site can look as if she’s posing for the very first time, but that’s one of Eufrat’s endearing qualities as a female and model. You’ll crave every image of her slender but curvy Czech form, and every moment of her High Definition video, as you survey her from the tips of her toes in white thigh stockings, to the nips of her firm 36B titties, to the top of her soft brown hair. Eufrat gives us a classic strip in this set, full of warm smiles and revealing positions, opening up her pussy with an always inviting expression in her eyes! Ohmigod, now I’M licking the screen...!!

  • 00:20:43
  • Aug 23, 2010
  • 180


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