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who can concentrate on pool?

Watch petite powerhouse Shione Cooper and her 36DDs heat up a pool table! Shione’s a Czech girl who’s been appearing regularly here and works solo, with girls, and with guys. Check out her nine previous sets conveniently listed in the Model Directory at!Shione teases us with cleavage in her little black dress as she poses on the table, framing her bosom in the rack before actually playing a little. But it looks as if she’s more devoted to the game of teasing than putting balls in the pocket! She does stuff a ball between her tits, though, before stripping and rolling a ball across her oh-so-suckable nipples. Once she’s naked, the set really moves into high gear. We get low angle views of her mouthwatering globes, until she lays down on the green felt and plays around with the pool cue and puts the 8 ball between her mams and in her mouth. Shione looks like she could really use some cock there on the table, thrusting in her snatch and then spurting all over her cans! If only we could jump into the photos or HD movie!! I’d love to kneel in front of Shione and eat her pussy while reaching up and squeezing her boobs. What are YOUR fantasies? Leave them in the comments below!We get more low angle shots of her boobs stuffed in the rack, as well as doggie style views of her jamming the 8-ball in her snatch; and the set ends on some lovely simple poses of Shione stretching across the table with a sweet smile above her coconuts.

  • 00:29:57
  • Aug 15, 2010
  • 272


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