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lovely turquoise jul in the midst!

Hey lovers! Hope you ve had a remarkable week since our last encounter and have been drinking plenty of milk so that you can last extra long for the set i ve got in store for you today! Dressed like a turquoise jewel, with sexy black stockings and heels you could picture up on your shoulders in your fantasies of me. You know, the one where i m riding your cock and grinding my hips in circular motions while staring you dead in the eye. Yeah, that one.Enjoy some HD shots of both my pantyhose and my suckle honeyed flower, the one you like to pretend your darting your tongue in and out of. It s so juicy and waiting for you! In Cyber world anyway! Your brain won t know the difference, just go ahead and imagine I m right there as you flip through my hot shots, made just for you---and stroke one out to salute me....that s an order!

  • 00:15:05
  • Dec 28, 2008
  • 219


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