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tub time for titties!

Jannete returns to This veteran of sixteen appearances here always satisfies her fans! Ye ole horny reporter moved back and forth between her photos and video to review Jannete’s latest exploits. Wearing a cute bikini decorated with images of retro pinup girls, Jannete poses in the bathroom, showing off her 32DDs. In the High Def movie, she jiggles those beauties ceaselessly in her hands and they make slapping sounds as they joust against each other in the bra cups. We see the sexy sag of her sacks as she leans over teasingly and gives us those big eyes that see right into our horny hearts! She presses her boobs against the side of the tub, letting their bell-like meatiness rest before she settles down in the water to splash. Then she takes off her bikini top and ties it around and under her boobs. During the movie, you’ll feel you’re right in the tub with her, with the mingled sounds of her body and the water around you.Jannete takes off her panties and rubs her shaved pussy. Then she sits on the edge of the tub and smushes her tits under her hands until they look like two big tan fleshy pies! She tugs on her nipples, demonstrates the floatation power of her paps in the water, and then gets down to finishing herself off with masturbation. Be sure to check out both the photos and video like I did. Your balls will thank you for it!

  • 00:18:48
  • Aug 08, 2010
  • 301


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