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her inner flavor

Here’s a girl from Russia who appears to really savor the taste of her own inner body. We’re talking about Olga Barz, the slender but curvy brunette who does a strip for us today out of her pink and black lacy teddy and matching panties, and then shows off her butt and box with enthusiasm. No sooner has she displayed those curvy cheeks, than she’s cramming her right forefinger inside her ass, before shifting to two of her left fingers which really go deep into her rear. You might think she was searching around for a misplaced set of car keys the way she rummages around in her rectum, but no, it looks like she’s just trying to get as much of the taste of her nether nookie as she can on her fingers, which she quickly crams into her mouth and licks in these wild nude pics and erotic video!

  • 00:10:25
  • Apr 02, 2010
  • 195


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