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rushing for the candy patty!

Dan Potter the CEO of Hairy decides to come in strong on this set with a Hairy box competition to see which girl can keep the vibrating cock from the Sybian in her mouth the longest. Soon after Candy Sweet and Victoria Rush are the participants, and they really let loose with lots of passionate tit play before diving down to those furry little fuck holes for some gourmet tastings!The girls really hold it down as the Sybian revs up to full speed, taking the full speed vibrations with complete expertise. Candy really rocks that thing out, though Victoria really gave it a good run as well. At the end of the cool conrtest both girls turn out winners as they get to enjoy the treasures between each others thighs, and bring each other to screaming orgasms via cunnilingus and dildo play!

  • 00:19:40
  • Jul 20, 2012
  • 162


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