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disciplining the disgraceful [pt 3]

The degradation of French maid Samantha Bentley under the brutal tutelage of her mistresses Lady Tegan Jane Slapwell and Dame Paige Birchbottom continues in the final part of this shocking series! After the hot wax on her butt, and the dildo training, Samantha is now made to urinate in front of these oh-so-judgmental ladies! Even if she wanted to flee, she couldnt because her legs are kept apart by a spreader bar. Goaded by Lady Tegan and her whip, Samantha finally manages to let loose the golden stream of her lowly slave nectar into a goblet that Dame Paige holds only a few inches away from Samanthas bare pussy. Oh how awful it is to pee in front of other people like this, its so humiliating, and yet strangely enough the flow just keeps on coming, filling the glass with a shimmery gleam! And now...she has to drink her own liquid waste! The job requirements of maids are beyond belief in this part of the country! She swallows bravely while trying to keep the tears out of her eyes...b

  • 00:04:18
  • Jul 18, 2012
  • 206


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