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hairy muffin madness!

When our man Neeo meets Nessye on a random night out and slips her the Salami, a story is written, and here it is! With absolutely no clue that this amazing cutester from the Czech Republic had a very Hairy pussy, he decides, ahhh wtf, let me just tell her im a porn actor. She ends up totally diggin it, and so Neeo invites her to join DDF as a hairy pussy model, and get that sweet pie pounded on camera! Now that s serendipity!With a look in her eyes that tells us she s born for this stuff, Nessye sports her whiskery wig while smiling in delight as Neeo drops hammer inside her puss sideways. She loves having that taco filled to the brim and teases Neeo s nuts with her G.I. Joe kung fu grip, holding his sack tight while she s taking it in her furry twat. Then its time for her to put on that cowgirl hat and mount the saddle. Her pussy s so damn hairy that when Neeo opens up the throttle it looks like an owl about to take flight! An Owl howling on the crotch of beautiful young women. Straight out of a science fiction novel. Nessye s love of dick has her throwing down in numerous positions before she gets the gooey gravy all over her love rug when Neeo lets loose. Nessye seems very fond of her hairy pussy, and we believe hairy pussy lovers around the world will embrace her!

  • 00:22:10
  • Jul 13, 2012
  • 222


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