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pretty pink presents

Ilina definitely had something naughty in mind when she came into Laura s bedroom with present in hand.Laura opens up the box to find a vibrator and huge pink dildo inside.Ilina wants to show Laura how to use them properly and gets Laura turned on by kissing her tight, teen body, taking off her T-shirt until she s just in her schoolgirl skirt and knee-high socks, and starts licking her nicely shaved pussy. Laura then feels pleasure like nothing she s imagined before when Ilina starts using the vibrator on her clit.Ilina doesn t stop there though. She works the big pink dildo into Laura s ass, and then takes Laura to a whole other dimension when she adds the vibrator back to her pink button at the same time, and brings her to a mind-blowing orgasm.Ilina works the dildo into Laura s ass nice and deep and even opens her up wide to give us an awesome close-up of Laura s big, gaping hole.And then Ilina gets what she was actually hoping for when Laura uses the toys back on her. These are the gifts that keep on giving!

  • 00:22:40
  • Jun 07, 2012
  • 181


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