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pissing for punishment [part 3]

Dean Choky Ice knows that Gloria needs further lessons. There are students who simply resist any kind of discipline, and Gloria is apparently one of them. It was bad enough when she pissed in a vase in Part 1 and removed the butt plug he had ordered her to wear...and he had the distinct impression in Part 2 that she enjoyed the spanking he gave her a little too much, the perverse little further measures must be taken! She thinks reading books is a joke? Then let her taste a book, Dean Ice thinks to himself. Chew on it, you naughty creature...and let’s see how you enjoy it when your wrists are tied, so you can’t resist my the value of sucking cock! Young ladies must learn to suck cock, it is what gives them a sense of balance in their lives...and balance is what you’re lacking, Gloria! Learn your lessons with my meat! As for your other must learn that when your erotic needs are not fulfilled, their yearnings spill over and make it impossible for you to concentrate on your studies properly! If your ass needs to be fucked, it must be fucked and not next week but let’s take out this butt plug which you have finally managed to keep in as I demanded...and let’s replace it with my cock! Your mouth can occupy itself with the butt plug while my shaft relieves your hungers...yes, it’s a nice tight ass...too tight, probably, which is why you’re so rambunctious and disruptive in the dare you smoke cigarettes, those evil vile pollution sticks...oh, you have oral needs? My cock, straight from your ass, should satisfy your hungers! And next you will learn the instructive qualities of doggie style...yes, dear Gloria, I’m no ordinary dean...I’m Dean Ice, who feeds you cock, gives you sperm, and cleanses your body of those lusts which so derail your academic progress!!

  • 00:13:44
  • Jun 15, 2012
  • 254


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