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adventures of a latex super hero!

There are heroes in every walk of life, so why shouldn t there be a kink and fetish hero, right? Well, Lucy Latex, one of our favorite models at House of Taboo seems to fit the mold perfectly with her super hero style full latex uniform. We are talking custom fit and super bad ass from her mask right down to her pumped up latex platform boots. Check her out as she showcases a new tool in the fight against the horny twat, a big red studded plastic cock with 3 balls!After arriving to the outdoor scene for the debut of the new tool being used against complete horniness, she struts around her fancy car a bit and gives us imaginative insight to her 32G-23-34 figure. Then she unveils the red beast of a dildo being used to slay super horny pussies world wide. She demonstrates on her own veegee by unzipping the crotch of her latex uniform and stuffing that swollen twat real good. Afterwards she showboats a bit on the hood of the car with a bright red lip-sticked smile. We love our latex heroine!

  • 00:20:55
  • Dec 26, 2011
  • 286


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