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she wants your hardware!

Teen sensation Kelly B. is hard at work in the mechanic shop she just started work at recently. She loves her job because everyday she gets to play with some hardware. The hardware that her boss provides her that is! POV style, so guess what? Your the boss today! Sit back and enjoy as she swallows your steak and potatoes whole, you deserve it!Kelly gets into her job with pride and professionalism, and she s very hungry too as she enjoys the meal your providing for her! Her eye contact is superb and your little white aliens will be knockin on the tip of your spaceship begging to surrender. Pin her down and let her suck on the tip and tease those little guys. Then watch her bite her lip as they shoot out the tip and cover her in complete surrender!

  • 00:14:51
  • May 15, 2012
  • 199


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