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breaking in mr. plastic!

When two sensual teens from Russia join forces at home for a "Make me cum" party, a big toy is introduced, and a threesome relationship is born! It s the best kind of threesome for these two babes as their just breakin into the world of sexual delights, and this dick doesn t talk back, won t come in their face, and lasts all night long!Anjelica and Demida picked their new love up at the local sex shop and couldn t wait to try him out. Set up with a suction cup on his balls in case the girls want to ride him, or back their slim little asses up to the wall and pretend their getting it doggy style. But for their first session, each girl takes command of Mr. Cock, and they both stuff each others shaven lilacs with the plastic monster, while sensually caressing and making love to one another. It s a beautiful scene with negligee s and white tube socks in the mix. The girls enjoy the taste of their treasures, and even do some digit diving into starfish canyon. All in all, a very erotic set, and one very happy plastic cock at the end of it all.

  • 00:29:23
  • May 10, 2012
  • 291


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