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sensual bubble bath explorations!

The girls from the Russian Federation really know how to get down when it comes to the sensual and sexually sophisticated arts of seduction. In today s Euro Girls on Girls we have the remarkable Lindsey Olsen and her partner in crime Elizabeth heating things up in a sultry bubble bath. What happens when you put two horny hard bodied babes together in a warm tub full of bubbles? Some seriously delicious servings of hot poontang pie on a platter happen, that s what! This scene is hot, hot, HOT. Make sure your loaded up, because they will drain you!It s like the yin and the yang of awesome Russian babes getting together here with Elizabeth s dark, silky, raven hair, and Lindsey s golden lochs. Both have their lawns completely bare, so perfect for slapping with a tongue, over, and over, and over, and that s exactly what these girls do. You can almost taste the tan-lined trim in the HD photos. Mmmmm, it s like a combo of vanilla and peaches with all kinds of sugar on top. Fingers and dildos make their way inside both love havens, but Lindsey gives us a bonus doggy shot. My goodness her ass is so beautiful it should be hung in a fine art museum. What a gorgeous gift to mankind, perfect set ladies, bravo!

  • 00:20:51
  • May 04, 2012
  • 196


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