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toe tease in blue jeans

French porn sensation Clanddi Jinkcego pays us a visit in a kinky mode as she teases us with her legs and feet in torn blue jeans and sneakers. She also has those colossal 34DD tits of her outfitted in a cute t-shirt which has the logo “This Is Not a Photo Opportunity.” As if Clanddi isn’t a photo op every time she shows up anywhere!!Clanddi displays herself in her clothes first, then starts stripping by taking off her sneakers and tantalizing us with her red-polished toenails and tattooed insteps. She reveals her bare soles while her legs are still in the jeans, which allows us to focus on her feet. Then she lifts up her top and lowers her blue denims so our eyes can drink in her tit-power and butt-beauty.As Clanddi drops her pants, we get into the heavy foot tease, as she plays with her black thong with her toes and flexes her feet as she tugs her jeans down to her ankles. She tempts us with her pussy and asshole as she sticks her toes in our faces. Finally she stands up while we look up at her from the floor, and she slides her wrinkled soles toward our ready mouths for worship. Our DDF cameras capture some great closeups of the incredibly curvy arches of her feet!

  • 00:25:09
  • Apr 04, 2012
  • 372


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