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give your cream to cat babe!

Get ready for something wild as Black Angelica, one of our favorite beauties, goes under the latex mask to get into her Leopard Lady mode! Posing on top of a grand piano in her mask, as well as matching blood-red-and-leopard-print latex dress, Angelica is feline but very much human as she spreads her bare pussy and teases us with her curvy legs and incredible butt in the tightness of her frock. She fingers her feminine folds, and in one of her coolest moves, lays on her back and grabs her spiked heels to push up her bare crotch. When this kitty says “meow” you just know you won’t be able to resist whatever she asks you to do! It’s bizarre yet cock-hardening to watch this super-sexy “cat babe” flash her cleavage and lick her lips through the mouth hole of her erotic disguise. Don’t miss it!

  • 00:20:13
  • Mar 16, 2012
  • 209


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