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a real dick to the rescue!

When Mischelle encounters some problems with her Sybian fucking machine, her man Martin Love comes to the rescue to tame her hungry little fur burger and make her day complete.The sexy Czech vixen is throwing a fit, but Martin gets in there and parts her pretty little bush for some tongue action before giving her some real dick, which she enjoys much more then the robot dick of the Sybian.I nice blow job with plenty of very horny slurping sounds ensues before a missionary fuck that has Mischelle gasping in sheer pleasure. Her whisker biscuit you ll find to be nicely balanced, just enough hair to give her that "I m a natural women" appeal, but not so overly bearing that you ll be picking hairs from your teeth later. Mischelle s blowjob skills are insatiable to o, with plenty of tongue flicking to the head and ball sucking to prep those semen for a speedy delivery. Doggy style and a reverse cowgirl that gives us beautiful shots of her hairy twat being penetrated will have you spurting in no time, or you can hold off and for that pop shot that Mischelle gets right into her open and waiting mouth. Happy girl indeed!

  • 00:21:34
  • Mar 02, 2012
  • 129


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