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the breaking in of bibi! [part 2]

Were back with part 2 of "The breaking in of Bibi"! When we last left our two super starlets, Eve Angel and Bibi, Eve was just warming up with the spanking and bondage of her beautiful blonde, submissive slave girl. We continue on with Bibi still on her back on the glass dining room table, and Eve hovering above her with a lit candle!Bibi s juicy pussy is spread wide and the HD action makes us feel like we could reach over to the screen and pop her clit right into our mouths, swirl it around like a peppermint and make her cum! That s Eve s job here today though, and after she gives her a bit of pain with the candle wax, she pulls out a fat candle with a hot tip and starts workin it into Bibi s tight asshole. She pops her up into doggy style so we can really see all the action and what s happening next. She manages to put one candle in Bibi s ass, and another in her puss. After pleasuring the girl for awhile, Eve decides she would like her own pussy eatin, so she sits on Bibi s face, front and back rotating, and has her deliciously trimmed pie served in style! Mmmmm, I ll bet that tastes like tropical fruits coated in sugar!

  • 00:11:22
  • Feb 22, 2012
  • 180


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