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the sauna of shame! [part 2]

Last we left House of Taboo the lovely Viktoria Diamond was paper bagged and bound in a dry sauna, intricately tied at the knees and ankles with Japanese style knot work! She was mysteriously being worked into different sexual positions and had the labia of her silken pussy clamped down with several wooden clothe pins. What s next!?Well for starters how about having the clothe pins clamped to her sweaty pussy and cinched down with twine to the sauna bench she s sitting on. Talk about some beautiful shots of her clean shaven love lips. You ll want to send your mouth on a mission to rescue them pronto! Though we hope your ready for some rocket fuel, because she s gonna piss right in your mouth once you get near them with your tongue. I think that s a chance most of us would be willing to take. Open up and say Ahhhhhhhhh, golden rain! The sweet golden rain of Viktoria Diamond! Mmmmm!

  • 00:02:30
  • Feb 06, 2012
  • 166


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