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mysterious mammary massage!

Jordan Pryce returns in part 2 of her massage table pictorial from earlier in December. This time Jordan is joined by the hands of an otherwise unknown masseur, who oils her butt and then turns her on her tummy so he can rub those 32F tits. Jordan looks blissfully happy as he squeezes her colossal mounds, then runs his fingers down to her long pink pussy slit. He gets back to tweaking her nipples for awhile as Jordan closes her eyes and relaxes thoroughly. Our DDF cameras get the perfect angles on the action, shooting her gleaming globes from below as the hairy forearms and firm hands of the masseur heft her hooters.We get shots of her twat as her rack is being caressed and kneaded; then, as if reading our minds, the fingers of the massage man go lower and cram their way into Jordan’s snatch, which makes her writhe and twist in pleasure. A hot time is had by Miss Pryce, but then suddenly the masseur seems to vanish and leaves in his place only the little bottle of massage oil between Jordan s thighs. Was it real or a dream? Judging by Jordan’s smile, it doesn’t matter because whichever it was, it was damn satisfying!

  • 00:13:11
  • Dec 18, 2011
  • 236


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