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domination in the pool hall!

What s better then two large breasted women wearing thigh high stockings, mini dresses, and shooting pool? Well how about when they happen to be DDF porn stars and one of them gets so damn horny she attacks the other and dominates her! That s what we got here on House of Taboo today, so be prepared for your clits and pricks to take an excursion into the wonderful world of bondage and submission!Emma Butt is a BIG girl, and what she wants, she gets! While playing with Tarra White, her libido gets the best of her and she pins the redhead onto the pool table while Tarra kicks and screams in defiance. She tries to fight back but Emma s gargantuan 36G s get the best of her and soon her own pierced nipples find their way into Emma s hot wanting mouth. Hungry like a mungry, Emma flips Tarra s legs up and dives into her sweet snack box, taking a taste of both the front and back room buffets. Finding Tarra to be way too combative, she ties her up, and then the fun begins! She doesn t want her sex slave to run out of nutrients, so she feeds her some fresh pussy pie and creme brulee of asshole to keep her fresh and vibrant. Then it s time to make sure her hot little sex slave is comfortable and what better way then to bang her box with a pool stick! Such a gracious and hosting dominatrix, don t ya think?

  • 00:33:04
  • Dec 14, 2011
  • 392


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